December 20, 1974 – A petition is being circulated in Ouray this week by Lynn Barry, which already has a good number of signatures from residents opposing the proposed garbage ordinance, passed on first reading by the Ouray City Council at its Dec. 9 meeting. The ordinance was printed in its entirety in the Dec. 13 issue of the Plaindealer, and one of the complaints voiced about it is that some citizens feel it is being "rail-roaded" through too fast, with too little thought and too little public discussion. The petition reads only that "We the undersigned residents of Ouray, Colorado, request that Ordinance No. 4, Series 1974 be tabled and that no action be taken on (the ordinance) until a vote by the residents of Ouray, Colorado has been taken to determine whether the ordinance shall be put into effect." Barry told the Plaindealer that the biggest objection to the action by the council was that there was no special hearing before passage of the ordinance, in which local people could give their opinions.
Looking Back, News
December 18, 2024