Dear Editor: We, the residents of Coal Creek Road, are compelled to respond to the article, “Complaint filed against commissioner," published in the Oct. 17, 2024, Plaindealer.
Dear Editor: We, the residents of Coal Creek Road, are compelled to respond to the article, “Complaint filed against commissioner,” published in the Oct. 17, 2024, Plaindealer.
My name is Daryl Trehal, and I write this letter on behalf of myself and my neighbors who are deeply concerned about the misinformation presented.
The facts are clear: Since Mr. Barger only took his position in 2021, he has not witnessed the flooding at Coal Creek that has severely affected our community in past years and again in August 2024. While maintaining the private ditch is essential, it cannot manage floodwaters when the culverts at Coal Creek Road and County Road 23 are blocked with debris. When the water erodes our road, fixing it is the county’s responsibility, a commitment they upheld until this event.
Contrary to Ty Barger’s claims referenced in the article, Commissioner Lynn Padgett did not fabricate a situation with us. After seeing photos I shared on Facebook, she reached out to several of us to express her concern — an act of genuine care. It was my initiative to organize our participation in the Aug. 20 Board of County Commissioners meeting, as we desperately needed to be heard. Our efforts were not a “protest”; they were an appeal for assistance following several days of dangerous road conditions that had endangered lives, including a neighbor who risked her personal safety while trying to traverse the flooded area in her vehicle in order to get to work.
The report also mischaracterizes my interactions with Mr. Barger regarding equipment for clearing the drainage ditch. I pleaded with him for help to redirect floodwater back into the creek, only to be met with flat refusal. I never asked him to clean up my private property, that is simply untrue.
We appreciate Commissioner Padgett, Glenn Boyd, and the BOCC for their attentive support, as well as the dedicated Road and Bridge employees who genuinely strive to help our community. When the road was repaired by Road and Bridge in approximately mid-September, they did a good job.
The comments made by Superintendent Barger dismissing our testimonies are unfounded. Our comments can be verified through the minutes and video from the Aug. 20 BOCC meeting.
There is an important lesson in accountability and communication for all involved.
Daryl Trehal Teri Roth and Pat Eustrom Susie Blakney Crista and Russ Meyer Jill & Scott Rikkers Residents of Coal Creek Road