Dear Editor: This letter is in response to the query printed in the Oct. 10 edition about the weaning of calves on a ranch near Ridgway.
Dear Editor: This letter is in response to the query printed in the Oct. 10 edition about the weaning of calves on a ranch near Ridgway.
First, I am so glad that the ranchers responded so maturely and professionally: by seeing it as an educational opportunity. Although I have lived here for 20-plus years and thoroughly understand the process and why it is necessary, every year the distressed calling of an entire herd of broken-hearted mothers makes my heart hurt for them, so I understand the concern of a naive newcomer to the area.
More importantly, though, is a discussion of the way the rest of the Plaindealer’s readers responded. I was disgusted, disheartened and disappointed by my own community’s reaction as a whole.
Social media posts ran rampant, all resorting to lowly name-calling, bullying and derogatory comments imploring this concerned animal lover to “go back where you came from.” I understand that his inquiries were uneducated about cattle ranching — but that was why he asked.
I’m deeply ashamed of you, Ouray County. Hundreds of people commented with nastiness and vicious attacks, far outnumbering the kind explanations offered.
I know that this community is better than that. At least, I want to believe it.
Kerri Haag Log Hill Mesa