Dear Editor: I am grateful to have Lynn Padgett as my county commissioner and enthusiastically support her for re-election. Lynn is accessible to her constituents, intelligent, knowledgable about diverse issues affecting the county, attentive to details while maintaining an overarching perspective, and dedicated to serving everyone in our community. I have been fortunate to collaborate with Lynn on several projects - most recently the multi-year revision of the Grand Mesa, Uncompaghre and Gunnison National Forests' management plan. Lynn worked diligently and cooperatively with the U.S. Forest Service, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, regional elected officials, local nonprofits, and constituents to the benefit of Ouray County. Thanks to Lynn’s in-depth research, ground truthing, advocacy, persistence, presence at meetings, and commitment to protecting wildlife, public lands, our watershed, and recreation access, the Black Swift and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep have been added to the GMUG’s Species of Conservation Concern list, Bear Creek and the Uncompahgre Gorge have been found suitable for Wild & Scenic River, and slopes above the Ironton Fen have been excluded from any timber harvesting.
Letters, Opinion
October 9, 2024
Padgett has track record of responsibility, responsiveness