Bill Clendenning, left, and Erin Eddy, right, were honored Saturday with awards for their service to the Ouray Ice Park and the Ouray Ice Fest. Clendenning, the festivalâs volunteer coordinator, received the Rob Savoye Award. Eddy, who was the first executive director of the ice park, received the Jeff Lowe Award for his volunteer efforts and contributions. Photo by Bella Biondini/Gunnison Country Times
Local volunteers honored
Bill Clendenning and Erin Eddy had few words to say when they were honored at last weekend’s Ice Fest for their contributions to the Ouray Ice Park and Ice Festival over the past few years and decades, but members of the climbing community had plenty to say about them.
Eddy, owner of Ouray Brewery, was the first executive director of the Ouray Ice Park and received the Jeff Lowe Award at this year’s fest, while Clendenning, the festival’s volunteer coordinator, received the Rob Savoye Award...